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Partner Support

Partner Support

My Partner is Pregnant

If she is unexpectedly pregnant and you aren’t sure what to do, you are probably worried about her and are looking for answers. Whether she chooses parenthood, adoption, or abortion, your life will be impacted.

Whatever your situation, you can be an important part of the decision. An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t mean the end of your future plans or those of your partner. At Pregnancy Care Center, quality healthcare and information is available for you both.

The woman with an unplanned pregnancy often looks to her partner to help with the decision. She wants to know you care and are concerned about her. She is looking to you for support because she may not be able to confide in many people about this situation.

Stand beside her in whatever way she needs. Inform her immediately that she doesn’t need to have an abortion to please you. Encourage her to make an appointment and get all the information she needs to make a decision that has been thought about carefully.

The medical staff at Pregnancy Care Center can help answer any questions you may have about pregnancy, abortion and related health issues. We are here for you. Free pregnancy and early parenting support and education classes are also offered through our Pathways program and we provide connections to expert local physicians and other community resources. Click HERE for more information or to enroll in an upcoming class.

Some Ways to Show Her You Care

  • Let her know you’re sorry she’s the one going through all this physically, but let her know she isn’t alone when it comes to experiencing emotions.


  • Check in with her often about how she’s feeling.


  • Do something special for her such as giving her a card, flowers, a love letter, or a back rub.


  • Be affectionate, but be prepared for her not to want to be sexual. You may feel rejected, but remember that she connects sex with this difficult situation.


  • Be understanding about pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, tiredness, irritability, and  moodiness are all pregnancy symptoms.


  • If she chooses to continue the pregnancy, you can attend prenatal visits and birthing classes with her. If she chooses abortion, you can read over the aftercare instructions she is given. Have pain medications available and maybe a heating pad or hot water bottle.


  • If she isn’t handing the situation well, regardless of the outcome of the pregnancy, it  may be a good idea to have her talk with someone professionally. It may help for you to talk to someone too, especially if she makes a decision you don’t agree with. The  staff at Pregnancy Care Center may be able to help as a resource. Sometimes talking to a clergy person is what you may be looking for. If you continue to have a hard time with your partner’s decision, get help.

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